The highlight of the Indonesian National Health Day Celebration 49th in 2013

The highlight of the Indonesian National Health Day Celebration 49th in 2013 at Klungkung Regency runs at Hall of Banjar Mergan Semarapura on 20 November 2013 

SMPN 3 Dawan, Klungkung in Healthy School Competition

SMPN 3 Dawan Klungkung regency assessed by the Assessment Team of Bali Province as the leading of the Klungkung regency in Healthy School Competition (HSC) degree SMP / MTs, on November 8, 2013.

Water Cycling Competition, Model Mix Competition and Entertainment

Water Cycling Competition, Model Mix Competition and Entertainment in commemoration of its 49th National Health Day in 2013, was held on Friday, 08 November 2013, at Wisata Tirta Srinadi Swimming Pool, Klungkung

Healthy Walk Together

Healthy Walk Together in commemoration of 49th National Health Day in 2013, was held on Friday, 08 November 2013, starting at Field Swecapura, Klungkung

Gymnastics Osteoporosis Prevention Highlights and Talks "Adolescent Health and Osteoporosis Prevention"

Gymnastics Osteoporosis Prevention Highlights and Talks "Adolescent Health and Osteoporosis Prevention", on October 12, 2013, at. 7:00, at the Cultural Center's Ida I Dewa Agung Istri Kania, Semarapura, within the framework of the commemoration of Osteoporosis Day and the National Health Day to 49 in 2013.

Eating Crackers Competition

Crackers eating contest activities is one of the activities held in celebration of National Health Day to 49, 2013, diselenggrakan on October 12, 2013 in Field Sports Swecapura, Klungkung.

Bottle Fishing Competition

Bottle Fishing Competition Mutual Assistance in order to 49 National Health Day 2013 was held on October 11, 2013 in Field Sports Swecapura, Klungkung.

Lomba Mancing Botol Gotong Royong dalam rangka Hari Kesehatan Nasional ke 49 2013 diselenggarakan tanggal 11 Oktober 2013 di Lapangan Olahraga Swecapura, Klungkung.

Mini Football Match Sheath Son Daughter

Football matches Son-Daughter Mini Sarong in order to 49 National Health Day 2013 was held on October 11, 2013 in Field Sports Swecapura, Klungkung

Seminar "Mempersiapkan Kehamilan Sehat dan Perawatan Kecantikan Kulit"

Seminar "Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy Skin and Beauty Care" in the context of National Health Day 2013 was held on 49th October 4, 2013 at SMK Kesehatan Panca Atma Jaya, Semarapura.

Fixture Volley in the framework of the National Health Day 49th 2013

Fixture Volley in the framework of National Health Day 2013 was held on 49th October 4, 2013 in Building Sport Swecapura, Klungkung.

Announcement and Award Presentation Healthy School Competition Winner in 2013

Winner Announcement and Award Presentation Healthy School Competition National Level in 2013 on September 17, 2013 in the Lord In Hotel, Bogor, Indonesia,